
Hotspot Maker 2.9 download
Hotspot Maker 2.9 download

Hotspot Maker 2.9 download Hotspot Maker 2.9 download

The Gi_Bin field identifies statistically significant hot and cold spots, corrected for multiple testing and spatial dependence using the False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction method. The chart can be accessed by selecting the List By Charts tab on the Contents pane. The output of this tool includes a histogram charting the value of the variable analyzed (either the Analysis Field or the incident count within each polygon). It also includes a field ( NNeighbors) with the number of neighbors each feature included in its calculations. This tool creates a new Output Feature Class with a z-score, p-value and confidence level bin ( Gi_Bin) for each feature in the Input Feature Class. The associated workflows and algorithms are explained in How Optimized Hot Spot Analysis works. The computed settings used to produce optimal hot spot analysis results are reported as messages during tool execution. Incident data are points representing events (crime, traffic accidents) or objects (trees, stores) where your focus is on presence or absence rather than a measured attribute associated with each point.

Hotspot Maker 2.9 download